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Screaming, Squealing Talons of Truth
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Wells Fargo Executive Fired and Arrested After Allegedly Urinating on an Elderly Woman During a Flight - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/01/wells-fargo-executive-fired-arrested-allegedly-urinating-elderly-woman-flight/

Wells Fargo, they said, was expected on hand
For all, to help us on our way
But once the news came of an executive canned
We knew things weren't what were they might say

Reportedly, mid-flight, he relieved effluent
Upon elderly woman, sat in a seat up afront
And when the plane made yellow soiled descent
T’was opportunity then to confront

He begged and pleaded that it wasn't him
But nobody onboard was assuaged
For the evidence was deeply soaked within
From the puddle this executive made

The company was, so shocked and appalled
Removed him from his duties, post-haste
And the police, who were urgently called
Arrested him on full parade

As for the elderly woman, the one he'd disgraced
She would not stand for his very bad deed
At the expense of her poor dripping wet face
He'd pay full price, whatever that ever might be

Now Wells Fargo, they've finally brought on the pain
And will not condone such ill behavior
For they can't allow their good trust to be stained
Lest their bank vaults attain urine flavor

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