Daily Eagle News
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Screaming, Squealing Talons of Truth
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HORRIBLE NEWS: President Trump Reveals Lynette Hardaway of ‘Diamond and Silk’ Has Died - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/01/horrible-news-president-trump-reveals-diamond-diamond-silk-died/

Famous Diamond and Silk, duo we do adore,
Their chemistry hot, crowds always would roar,
For none held back honesty, during their show,
And at MAGA rallies, Trump’s Train never did slow.

Sisters’ strong kinship, binding yet free .
Love ‘tween them unbroken, unconditionally .
Gemstone and Thread, twin force for the fight,
Their unwavering message led all towards the light.

The world will remember, Diamond’s laughter and wit,
How she never backed down, a true fighter with grit.
Her love for her country, her passion persists,
Forever through history, she’ll surely be missed.

Diamond, a star, a welcome presence,
Brought the world joy, comfort and sweet pleasance.
We’ll dare not forget the legacy she left us,
Diamond’s flame & commitment, a savior for justice.

She’ll always remain in our hearts and our thoughts,
Her legend, carved deeply upon everyone’s hearts.
Diamond’s example, eternally ‘membered,
Bright shining symbol, though evenly tempered.

Diamond, a gem of conservative thought
Her brilliance and charm made lefties feel fraught.
She’ll ever be near, in our prayers and our mind,
A future cut short, she passed ‘ere her time.

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