Daily Eagle News
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Screaming, Squealing Talons of Truth
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Regarding those special privilege diplomatic level "courtesy" passports stolen from Trump's office, it seems everyone in the cabal has one (former ambassadors, former CIA directors, former Secretaries of State, former Vice Presidents, retired military brass, UN officials, Vatican bigwigs, Knights of Malta, Queen's "QMS" Messengers, etc.). Hunter Biden has one right now. They can import / export cash, art, weapons, drugs, gold, small children, anytime, anywhere on Earth, via "diplomatic pouch." This is how Bill Clinton rescued Laura Silsby from Haiti's child trafficking charges, he simply flew down there as "Goodwill Ambassador" & picked her up! Drop a small child off on a private Caribbean island, they can't escape, they grow up there, and that's all they ever know, don't remember their origin, the perfect modern day slave. Hear the midget sidekick shouting: "Look Boss, the plane, the PLANE!..."

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